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How to get a Perfect Tan without the Burning

beauty health stylist advice

Tanning tips for a Healthy Tan

Who doesn’t love the tangerine sun glow after a good suntan? Tanning will never goes out of fashion. No matter what age, we all like to get sun soaked once in a while to enjoy a warm bronze skin that adds to our self-esteem. Too much of something is never good and it goes for the sun tan too. Research suggests that allowing yourself to soak hours of sun can actually become a serious cause for skin cancer. Here we have outlined a couple of guidelines that will help you wear a perfect tan without getting sunburned.

Keep Track of your Tanning Time

Properly clocked time is essential for a perfect tan. Most folks are unaware of the fact that our body has a cut-off point where it naturally halts the process of producing melanin, the ingredient that gives you your favorite tangerine glow. 2 – 3 hours is the maximum time frame for melanin production after that it is just pointless to stay in the sun. In fact, it would be not wrong to say that after the specified time frame, you are just putting yourself up for an increased chance of skin cancer and premature aging. If you are worried you may get too much sun, try covering up. A Burkini is a great way to cover your body to avoid extra UV radiation on the beach.

Avoid Tan-accelerating products

It is never a healthy choice to go for tan-accelerating products. Ingredients that you apply on your skin do not have the tendency to stimulate melanin production. To boost your body’s natural ability to tan without getting sunburned, try supplements that improve body’s natural defense mechanism.

Say “NO” to Sunbeds

Regardless of what your Salon beauty expert tells you, Sunbeds are never a healthy option for tanning. If your salon beauty expert is trying too hard to get you into one of those tanning beds, she is clearly peddling. Tanning beds emit only UVA and no UVB (the actual vitamin D stimulant), which can increase your risk of skin cancer by 75%.

Take Shade Breaks

Do not ever fall asleep in the sun. Most beach goers make the mistake of lying in the sun for too long. Even when you are keeping track of your tanning time, it is important that you take shade breaks. Consumption of fruit juices and lemonade are a great way to cool down your system during the break. In addition, wear proper swimwear to protect your sensitive body parts from UV burn.

Devour sun-friendly nutrients

Our skin has a natural capacity to produce lycopene, a natural antioxidant that acts as body’s SPF and protects the skin from harmful UVA rays. Eating the right kind of foods can help you generate ample lycopene to give you substantial sun protection that can add to your SPF protection. Research suggests that tomatoes and oranges can boost lycopene’s production to 33%. In addition, Green tea is known to have ample antioxidants to boost the body’s natural defense against harmful UV radiation. So, feel free to dig into Bolognese sauce and sip all the green tea you want to supplement a healthy tan.

Never over-tan. If you feel like that you can’t achieve the perfect tan in a 2-3 hours time window, try faux tan sprays to cover up. Always pick the quality brands for faux tan sprays and products, if you must use them.

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